Viberts is a 'Ndrangheta law firm. They will be starting a Jèrriais Not progrom like the Welsh Not progrom our grandparents remembered next probably. I am also paranoid and depressed because Chris Scholefield and Viberts Advocates are trying to kill me again like they did in '94.
Ken McCallum should understand that Offshore Jersey CI since 2008 has become an aggressive state funding Iran, Russia, & China. I should never have written Viberts or Mourant a check really. Who is going to run out of funding first is the question? Iran, China, Russia, Offshore Jersey CI, Viberts, or Mourant?
Several hundred members of the Jersey Democratic Movement and the Jersey Communist Party offered resistance here in ww2 our parents told us. It is wrong to think the whole island just said yes. So many radio sets did not get handed in either that the prison filled totally up at one point.
I have got a used copy of The Laundromat by Jake Bernstein arriving in the post soon. It looks like the route to getting work as the economic adviser to the States of Jersey here is to export pre-fabs for $1.20 and import a kg of bog roll for $4,122. It creates a local tax loss to knock
off your local tax bill. Reminds me of a coworker who was offered a bag of glass diamonds and another who buried his car for the insurance but then found he had lost the MoT certificate. Were those stories true? Only time will tell.
I have probably already been killed. It is too late to save me. Scholefield, Clayton, Le Brun, Davidson, or Verdon would all do the job. But a lot of you can save yourselves if you want. The 5 categories to be wary of are official/politician/relative of, police officer, ex-prisoner/criminal, businessperson,
migrant worker, and they all used to talk in riddles and metaphors when being surveyed. Ciao for now. NeeshMahTee. Ken McCallum is not paying me. The TFs here as part of the launderers network are a similar threat level
to the US and Israel as the Iran nuclear sites however it would be fair to judge. So this webpage with all of its TF leads will be maintained despite lack of financial support from Ken McCallum. The ongoing threats to my life and health and
wealth here are an ongoing threat to US and Israeli national security. The money laundry & terror finance systems here are more like a giant wastewater treatment plant for London really.
Introducing Jewish men willing to supply IVF sperm donation to Jewish women in need. 1 in 6 couples have trouble making babies. Also surrogates and egg donors wanted.
69 submissions so far ie 690 Jewish babies eventually. Enough to replace all of the hostages twice. Shalom.
Property rights open-ended confidential mediation and privileged conciliation services. This domain name is not for sale.
Out of court opinions continually available.
from the feedback form at the bottom of this page 4 500 a day plus expenses. Article 81 certified. Jersey CI is now 100% 'Ndrangheta ML/PF/TF controlled with impunity and corruption everywhere. She is effectively totally owned by Calabria. 52.2% of their phone conversations are about investments in the economy, 22.1% are about resource acquisition, 19.8% are about maintaining internal order, and 5.6% are about protection activities.
In 2011 'Ndrangheta 'Ndrine were also reported to be functional in North Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Eastern Europe, United States, and Canada.
There are always a lot of people with the same family name like Trovato for example, or Di Bella, or Barreca, Pino, Nirta-Romeo, Di Stephano, or Araniti, Iamonte, Scrivia, Nirta, or Piromalli in any particular 'Ndrine and there is no maximum membership number. That should get you all started and get the IDF some more TF leads :)
"Law enforcers in the United States and the Bank of England are seriously worried that the Jersey authorities are not capable of regulating in the face of organised crime" The Observer September 22 1996 the same year my English house was laundered here by Guarin at Barclaytrust and a Portsmouth University Professor
was reported in the Wall Street Journal as saying that the regulators here do not seem to have the capacity to withstand the big institutions. So what with organised crime and big institutions reported here by good papers things do not look that good.
There should always be a real deal and a win win situation at Appleby lawyers though down on the seafront where Apple reportedly put all of its non-US business for a while in 2015 the same year the then Chief Minister Ian Gorst tried
to cancel out my tutelle case with the regulators by changing the tutelle law and starting a drug war to try and cover his political tracks. Only one contre vote was lodged. The 'Ndrangheta rules here since that horrific day. Lepke rubbed out 30 witnesses in 3 years. My Mum, Dad, & Uncle would have likely talked. Josh found a cure to PTSD.
Thank Goodness for President Truman. Something should be done to stop Ian Gorst or Chris Scholefield, or Kevin Leech, or Aynslie Le Brun trying to launder any more children's money really. In Operation All Inside and Operation Infinity 300 'Ndrangetisti were arrested including
businessmen, lawyers, bankers, accountants, politicians, and public healthcare managers. An abstract for Ian Gorst who started the drug war to read if he can read.
The local cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers also protect against police harassment; they protect for theives; they protect in relation to informally obtained credit and the retrieval of loans; they eliminate competitors; they intimidate customers, workers, and trade
unionists for the benefit of employers; they intimidate lawful rights holders; and they settle a variety of disputes. A Jeune, LLP, Horsfall, Cantrade and Syvret documentary is what we have waiting for us all in the Bergerac 2 remake more than likely.
Absolutely without any exception at all every Patent Application here is vetted by Mi5 is the thing. I can say no more. It's a hard point to make in a way but I agree with US law enforcement and the BoE about this place being
unable to regulate itself. The reason is there are in total about 2 yards of statutes on the shelves and 2 yards of the RPC reports on Patent cases in the CCLS law library. That means that the entire law here in Offshore Jersey CI
is about as deep as only the Patent cases in London law. There is not much company law and not much trust law comparitive the US and Uk or at least less that 10% of US and Uk. People, including criminals, can therefore do just about whatever they want, including importation to the US using company and trust
accounts here of heroin, crack, cocaine, cannabis, and LSD from Canada and Mexico next door. This type of drug laundry from the local cartel of laundry lawyers here is therefore of great interest to the IDF as operatives who do laundry
also can do TF work as they both use the same skillsets and infrastructure. I confided my concerns about Barclays in the CM of the time Frank Walker once, he gave me his sympathy in writing, now it turns out he was a director of Barclays in some part of
the group. I confided my concerns about Barclays in the treasurer of the Synagogue, he gave me several back issues of Jerusalem report, now it turns out he is a trustee of Barclays in another part of the group. It's a Jeune and Horsfall precedent all over again really.
"Significant" levels of Plutonium either sourced from Hurd Deep or Cap de la Hague or both. Senator Romeril successfully exposed the UK atomic energy authority as verbal liars. There are 2,900 concrete barrels of Plutonium 150m deep down there. Is it 238?
My 2013 Jersey Financial Services Commission complaints were not the only ones to be supported. Nigeria was succesful in reclaiming 100 million laundered here by a dictator of theirs once with a complaint to the Jersey Financial Services Commission.
It's a bit like when the Cap de la Hague lost its generator with the bust transformer of the Amoco Cadiz lost her rudder with the bust hydraulics. The regulators here have been mainly lost to the 'Ndrangheta who basically
have been running the place since everyone needed fast liquidity back in Oct 2008. Word might get back to me from overseas about the best plan for my family now. Nothing needs doing today obviously but the IDF are calling a lot of people up every day.
Life can be harsh. I genuinely believe the Freemasons here are riddled with Ndrangheta launderers. If the IDF get the names of launderers here they can catch TFs as they all use the same skills. A list of 10 or 20 of the top Channel Islands
Freemasons from 1999 will follow here shortly. Shalom. Frank Amy, John Ellis, John Farley, Don Filleul, Edwin Godel, Colin Gross, Carl Hinault, Reg Jeune OBE, Stanley Le Cornu, Michael Payne, Edward Potter, Brian Richarson,
Leonard Ross-Gower, David Rothband, David Seal, Derek Seymour, Peter Stomeman, Alfred Vibert, Richard Wade OBE, Peter Walsh, Roy Bullen ex-mason, Mike Wavell ex-mason, Peter Derham, Sir Charles Frossard, Anthony Hall, David Hodgetts,
Stanley Jehan, Godfrey Le Mesurier, Len Moss, Douglas Randell, Geoffrey Rowland QC, Maurice Sangan, Nigel Soane-Sands, Mike Torode, David Nussbaumer ex-mason. I happen to be an ex-candidate myself from the 1980s.
The membership rate is about 1:38 or 850 of the 21+ men here who can all get a txt msg from the main man and act on it at any given time. The 1861 Company Law here was still the main effective Company Law here 130 years later in 1991.
There was not even any income tax here in 1927 when my Dad was still a baby. I am told by a man with some gray hair that Offshore Jersey CI killed Trotsky. It certainly came as news to me as I am sure it will to the IDF when
they read this. They declined him assylum forcing him on to Mexico where he got killed with an ice axe. So if they had not declined him he would not have been sent to his death in Mexico. With the Russians in Syria presently decisions
will need to be made by decision makers. Enough said. Ciao for now. There should be loads of TF leads for the IDF from all of the laundry leads on this page now. Shabbat shalom.
I decided to represent myself in the Royal Court yesterday for various reasons and everything went well apart from dropping and spilling out my carrier bag full of books and papers I took in. I picked the ones that had fallen out up
and put them all back in the bag. There was some nice old wood to look at. The pictures had changed since my last visit. Michael Cohen from shul was also there. It was about a million a minute for half an hour. My objective was achieved.
The most powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers in the world here said they will post me a copy of the judgement made against them. The post here gets intercepted sometimes though like when the letter from my lawyer never reached me.
As long as the Royal Alfred Masons Lodge No 877 founded during 1861 here carries on distributing 1/7 of their membership subs to charity in compliance with their book of by-laws rule No 8 the Citizens Advice Bureau here should stay in business though.
I told the Coastguard on 447722 about the broken pontoon in the St Helier Marina NE corner today and they said thank you for your time. Bugsy Siegel was handed down a death sentence at the Mob meeting in Havana for banking stolen
millions in Switzerland. Fast forward 100 years it's not Switzerland it's offshore Jersey CI, it's not the Mob, it's the 'Ndrangheta, and the most powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers in the world are all right here in town.
No wonder No 11 is giving them all their Xmas bonus early. The Royals want me dead for 2 reasons, and my sister, niece, and bro-in-law want me dead for 1 reason. So if you find me dismembered and beheaded in a neat pile in
the Royal Square one day you will know who to question. Ciao for now. There are 3 ways out of here I have found. The Royal Alfred Lodge 877 is for Professionals. The Duke of Normandy Lodge 245 is for Mechanical. The Yarborough Lodge 244
is for Farmers. Isaiah 21-7. Shalom. Other current active stationary lodges include Royal Sussex 491, La Cesaree 590, St Aubins 958, Prince of Wales 1003, De Carteret 3459, St Helier 4449, and the ambulatory lodges of the Unity 17th Foot 237,
22nd Foot 251, 75th Foot 292, and 13th Foot 661, and 52nd or 85th Foot, 2nd Bn 309 Antient. Let's just hope the IDF can nail all those suspected TFs. It's a golden ratio building the Masonic Temple here with one huge room
above ground and one basement dining room below ground. By-Law No 1 of the Royal Albert Lodge is to meet second Tuesdays of every month for from October to May inclusive. The most influential and powerful yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers in the world here is represented.
It is basically the regular meeting of the locale 'Ndrangheta 'Ndrine here. By-Law No 15 says that if the law is silent on any particular issue "the said case shall be there and then decided" since 1970 November 10th.
Angel investor Mr Budd bought the Jersey Railway Company for 23,500 in 1883 and then as Chairman of a new company was responsible for extending the line from St. Aubin to La Moye. In 1951 though you were not allowed to
register your hold baggage on the Weymouth boat despite being made to do so for security purposes on the Southampton boat. That is how a lot of the bullion was shipped in I guess.
Relief is available under By-Law 8 to Royal Alfred Lodge members from the Charity Fund established under By-Law 8 with 1/7 of the subs income. So it looks like all of the work they advertise as doing for charity is really only for themselves.
Life is going to be grim. The Royals want me dead for two reasons, my sister, niece, and bro-in-law want me dead for 1 reason, and now so does the Bailiff apparently. Since records began in 1277 the Warden and the Bailiff have only seriously
argued with each other twice. Once was between Sir Hugh Vaughan and Helier de Carteret, and the other time was between Sir John Peyton and Jean Herault. The Warden was the previous name of the Governor, appointed by the Royals.
I was introduced to my 23 year old niece twice this year and once when she was a baby. Three times in total. I am lucky though to be in possession of a list of the 1,000 or so books that were burned by the Nazis here
when they sacked the local Lodge in the ww2. Vibert is mentioned many times, a masonic scrapbook once, and Poole. A Viberts lawyer tried to kill me deliberately in 94 hired by a Poole. Looking for feedback from probable fifth family @ Market Miucci
via Hardisty Hill. They should all have been more careful how they killed me off and out really. The search for TFs here for the IDF must go on though. In 1995 the Pentiti rate for the Ndrangheta in all of Italy was 2.6%
the books say. With 400 here in the most powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers in the world and 850 in the Freemasons lodges that means 33 of them are likely to grass or will have already done so in round numbers. So the IDF will do well out of this webpage if they read it.
The trillions of laundry here yesterday will still be here tomorrow is the thing even if a lot of it was taken off me in 77 when I was 15.5. If the IDF can catch the launderers they get the people with TF skills and therefore the terrorists.
I can appreciate that hunting down the Ndrangheta is a big deal to get the terrorists. Looking for Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthi is not easy to do without looking for the Ndrangheta launderers however. 33 local 'Ndrangheta Pentiti is just the price of Israeli freedom that's all.
There is quite a lot privilege will not let me mention really anywhere but I think I can safely blog that a recent published client list of HSBC about the time of the Mexican laundry accounts scandal here includes Israel at No 2 (602 account holders) and UK at No 1 (4388 account holders). The IDF therefore have data they need
to get launderers to get TFs in their own back yard already, so to speak.
Scottish Limited Partnerships, Norther Irish Limited Parterships, Scottish Private Fund Limited Partnerships all deserve the attention of the IDF to root out possible launderers and therefore TFs. It is usually possible to register the
owner as an offshore company, sometimes not even needing to declare the jurisdiction of incorporation. In 2015 for SLPs no ownership details were required. Stories of 2 or 3 hundred registered to a single address have been published.
Got to respect this most influential and powerful yet mortal cartel of launderers in the world here. They just laundered me a 2nd time like in 1994. In 1994 I got so depressed about it I committed a series of suicide attempts but this time
mercifullly things are different. This time I have you dear readers to sing out to with my website traffic around the world and I am not locked in a mental ward. I was laundered this time with a Variation order for my Mum's estate
so now all inquiries lead back to a Bailiff Court Order on the 15th November. I went along to represent myself in Court but he did not give me a chance to speak. The laundry lawyer did instead. So I am screwed by Advocate Chris
Scholefield again. He is the boss of Viberts law firm part of the cartel that did the laundry. So I am laundered again just like in 94. With the IDF reading this though they will know to question Chris and that should
lead them to his likely TF business. Rothschild cash paid for the Knesset building in Israel. My cash just paid for a whole load of TF leads. It was worth it. Put all of Chris's assets on Red for a few times until he cracks is what I say.
The Viberts drug dealer was in the coffeee shop recently advising Wade's family about Google Sheets. He might deal a pure load to Viberts and he might not. The grass there will get to know about the dealer from this blog.
Either way I have not influenced the dealer to deal Viberts a pure load in any way. Their drug addiction is a sentence of Hell enough on its own for them. A 2 gram a day habbit is nothing to them with their billable hours though so
their habbits are just a minor financial nuisance to them all and no more than that. Any time their dealer wants to deal them a pure load he can though. That is just part of the way of life of using 2 grams a day and
laundering Rothschild assets twice. Chris got fired from his French Honourary Consul job. Only Macron really knows why I guess and he worked for Rothschild Bank once. The coffee there is good though so it is always worth
going back for that. Claire will talk about it all if questioned. She moved to New Zealand once to get way from them all. She's a natural blonde. Had a nice flat once.
Studied law all my life from 1977 till today. Interviewed by Oxford (Balliol College), Cambridge (Forvie Site), and Imperial College (London) Universities. MASCE MASME MIEEE MIET MBCS ACIARB.
Question is would you like a million dollars?
Click to survey question answer Yes or No Results = yes 5 no 4 after about 1 day Charity
Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes is the cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers I need pro bono protection against.
It is important to baer in mind that the present rigid, inflexible, and sternly enforced Ndrangheta laundry Ndrine networks did not exist here in the 1970s when
my Rothschild relative fortune was laundered here. Back then there certainly were connections to the Meyer Lansky types in the US and the French Connection types especially in
the worlds of Corsican and Marseille heroin and cannabis, but crack-cocaine did not exist either and the Offshore Jersey CI community of launderers
was much more of a loosely associated gang of crimbos much like 2015 Massey in Salford Manchester UK this century with Joy Division type Hacienda club networks
thriving and even exporting club rave scene infinity beats to Ibiza. The world was a completely different place.
I am 15. It's 1977. I have inherited a 2/3 share of a Rothschild relative fortune that is being managed by a tutelle of 7 electeurs for me as I am young.
Ghislaine Maxwell is working away in her study at the other end of the corridor. I am going out with an Admiral's daughter. Rose Baring of Baring bank is
around the place somewhere. The war hero housemaster with his double first in Classics is working away in his own study with a typewriter... finish the story yourself guys.
The sheep are bleating in Wales. The London smog makes it impossible to see the Hampstead newstand seller from the back of a Rothsmans filled brown jag. There are
two pheasant hanging from the garage door. Gangs come round offering to blacktop the drive. The Jersey house is bought. We all move down. Life as we all knew it
at the time ends there and then. No more tube. No more heath. No more red double deckers. The heroin dealer comes to visit. Barings bank fails. Ghislaine's Dad
falls off his boat. I lose my job. The World Health Organisation invite me as #17 to join their single use syringe design competition. I sign up for
composing lessons at the Conservatoire. I get a place at a law school. The IRA blow up the stock exchange. I get into the Priory. I catch a flight to Jersey.
I sell my house. I fly out. Labour get into Number 10. I quit smoking, learn guitar, and open a blog. Believe it so far? Think of Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
They knew it was all there because gravity did not add up for everything else. How can you tell a fortune is laundered? Same way. 95% of the gravity does
not add up any other way. Like the gravity in Clickbank. But thats work. You dont want to know about that do you? The early starts in the dark. The car
never starting without taking the air filter off and replacing it. The 90 miles there and back. The time off in lieu. The holiday. Greece. Rimini.
Canary Islands. The sight of Africa from the plane. The trip to Florida. Newark. Miami. The bang. The blow. The jelly. The fuses. The wires.
The trigger box. Only fools and horses. And the watch. You don't want to know all that do you?
I actually still believe in the Cosmological Constant, Bohr's Theory, Newton, the Manifold, and getting into work so fast that time itself
slows down so you can never be late. Allow too much time to get into work and time does not slow down enough so you are late. Then you get fired.
The only answer is to head in at the speed of light so time slows down and you get in on time. Einstein, Bohr, and Newton were not mad.
Leaving home when I want to get in at the speed of light and I am sorted every day. Time slows all the way down for me. Just ask the bank.
Just a matter of coming to terms with being just another photon really. 5% or 10% of the world's assets are sitting right here all neatly
laundered and folded. The Cosmological Constant reciprocal in fact. Where there is light there is Dark Energy. And where there is gravity
there is light. Thunderous applause. A cloud comes down to taxi me away. A chain reaction of nuclear explosions. And another new world is ordered.
Like another fortune by the laundry lawyers. Power in the wrong hands. Blow it to the web while you still can guys. Eventually they bill you to death.
Mind you they did not pay the Brexit Bill did they? BJ just told the Eu to take a hike didn't he? Was he billed in pounds or euros though?
It's lonely when you are being billed to death by the local Ndrangheta. But the most powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers
on Earth right here in Offshore Jersey CI are not laughing or joking. Laundry needs drugs. Crack, smack, cannabis, Valium, or Bennies. They
are not fussy. The island economy depends on them. They are the laundry. They are the source. They are the clients.
Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes is the cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers I need pro bono protection against.
Retails for 730 branded and 4 generic every month. Once you find out there are over 60 billionaire Psychiatrists all representing their respective Big Pharma companies
you just begin the get the bigger picture of the whole mental health scene including domestic pet psychiatry. Not everyone in the profession is doing the right thing.
Energy is mass and mass is energy really. They sometimes split an atom into two smaller atoms and a bit of energy. So my theory is that can be reversed. IE with enough energy
and two atoms you can build a third atom. Fusion if you want. Not the fission of ww2 Japan. So all you need is a bit of energy and two atoms and you can create that vital
third atom. E=mc^2 and F=ma means m=E/(c^2) and m=F/a inference being that E/(c^2)=F/a. Use your new knowledge for good. Shalom.
The cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers I mentioned all have a string of trust companies is the thing. Tomes and Mourant specifically. They killed my Dad and turned my sister against
me and I have been warned to be careful. Launderers and terrorist financiers (TFs) use the same skillsets is also the thing. They probably all work for the 3H terrorist groups. The
general idea is that the IDF read this, and the 8200 group, and the Mossad, and Bibi. The more TFs they know about the better. Hamas, Houthi, and Hezbollah, and Heroin are what
they are all into. Heroin laundry in particualr. The 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel you could call them. 4H. I have been warned to be careful is the main thing. Gets enough traffic
this blog now to reach the right people.
The 2008 credit crisis was all about people earning 16 grand saying they earned 100 grand on their sub prime mortgage applications and
getting approval. Not giving away much more than that. They are big powerful people a lot of them. The approvers I mean. I am only a Rothschild relative really. A relic of history.
And not a friend of any King either, or Press Baron. Then again my sister got 1/2 of an Oxford Nuclear Physics degree and I got 1/3 of a Russel Group Nuclear Physics degree.
She killed thousands of commies working as a Brit foreign correspondent and I would never have passed the medical for physical reasons for the Army or Police. She never needed
a job because she was over age at 18.25 in London when she came into her 1/3. My 2/3 got laundered as I was under age and vulnerable at 15.5 so I needed a job.
Above are the latest leads to my bag of gold too heavy to lift missing since 1977. Everything was still apparently up and running till 21 years ago 2003.
x, y, z, time, gravity, dark matter, dark energy, red shift, blue shift, and the 10mn Quantum Computer bought by Google 10 years ago. Or was it Goole? Two trains pass each other at
walking pace speed. In each train you and your partner are walking backwards down your trains looking at each other through the train windows as the trains pass by. You both know
you will both reach the end of your trains eventually and that you only have a few minutes to directly see each other. That was how they taught me relativity. Energy is mass. Mass is energy.
The State of Israel was mentioned in the 1977 legacy that was so antisemitically violated by the States of Jersey ever since. With the UN meeting tomorrow that needs disclosing here and now.
It concerns a behavioural clause in the will that ironically enough is now 50 odd years later dependent on the testimoney of Ghislaine Maxwell as to my good behaviour at boarding school.
Basically I need her to say that I was a good boy at the time. Without her agreement it all goes to the State of Israel. I realise that this will come as a shock and surprise to many
but with the Security Council meeting so soon I have decided now is the time to solicit her word.
It's no good. I have remembered that my sister was totally Pro BDS at one time so we are not going to reach a settlement. There was a Rothschild suit over a domain name a few years
back I think. My sister is heavily experienced in litigation having beaten both her employer the Independent and the lawyer she used to fight them. Never having needed a job
is another asset she has, along with the Windsors, and the Murdochs, and her new employers the London School of Hygene and Tropical medicine. She has that special forces type
mindset that wins at any cost. I am philosophical now about getting killed by her in the litigation but in all fairness that is the Ndrangheta Ndrine way of sorting things out
and Offshore Jersey CI these days at least is totally controlled from Calabria. The RBC Trust killing my Dad was a blow in return for litigation but the moral of the story
is nobody fucks with the Offshore Jersey CI Ndrangheta of masonry or they kill your family. After me they will probably kill my sister but she has bought into the whole
scene too far to see that I think. The Security Council sits tomorrow. My way on is learning Italian so better to address people like the Bailiff and the Chief Minister here.
Three interesting pages above about the present difficulties within Offshore Jersey CI. You will understand that things only really started going badly wrong
in the 2008 credit crisis when the system that was ran out of credit and so began to start sucking in Ndrangheta cash. It was a moment of weakness when
all of the institutions suddenly said yes to absolutely any cash on offer. Since then the Ndrines have taken over really, and I am talking the whole
laundry world. All of the dependencies and territories. Thai, Indonesia, China, and India stock are all mentioned. Nobody will talk because nobody
knows in a way. Learning Italian like I am doing seems like the best way on. Continental onshore type people and institutions are unlikely to believe
much of what I say till it is all too late. With China national debt in their back pockets the Ndrines will have won. Till then its just me and my blog
here, my library, and you. Ciao for now. Lehitraot. Shabbat shalom. Peace & love. Out.
My Italian language studies have triggered a memory of the centuries old link between Sicily and Normandy. That means St Helier and Calabria are connected by two
short ferry rides. Cagnano Varano, Province of Foggia, Apulia, Italy I have got some family though so everything should work out. I have written a whole load
of new songs also.
Nobody on Earth will dare challenge the cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers here is the sad truth. The Ndrine here are just too powerful and influential. They are
killing for my sister too now. You can work out how many of the lawyers here die every year though knowing there are 2000. With the cartel having 20% of
that you can know how many cartel lawyers die every year too. 400 / 80 = The Bill. ie5. One every month or two. Every 10 weeeks about. Things are very quiet
in this office. Just clocks ticking and computers humming like humming birds. A lot of my work is reading though. It's not all like this. I guess that
makes me a Pro Blogger and Pro Influencer now. What is a laundry lawyer anyway? What is laundry? What is law? There are only 50,000 locally born people
here that cannot lose their nationality so the whole show is just the laws of the typical number of a football stadium. It's not that much compared
to China, Russia, Uk, or Us. Does 50,000 make a difference? It's over 40,000 in Gaza now.
Lawyer Bill from Linklaters was destroyed with a 100% pure deal because of a 30mn case. Legal executive Kevin from Mourant was put on vapes in a revenge attack.
Centernear Dave was put on cigarettes in another revenge attack. We know of one of the cartel narcotics suppliers so there will be others. The cartel of laundry & terror finance
lawyers cost me my life, my quality of life, my fortune, my house, and my quantity of life, and my happiness. After being given so much publicity about my medical history
by the now fired Nurse James Morrison, 100% pure deals, vape deals, and smoke deals will continue to rise in line with cost of living and house prices. Once they think
they can just ruin one Rothschild relative after another they will move on to other Jewish families. An arm for an arm and a bollock for a bollock as they say.
It is better that justice is served sooner rather than later.
The local dialect of French called Jerriais is spoken by 3% of the population here. The adjective comes before the noun like in English, and there
is East and West Jerriais that both use the same structure. This mere fact alone should be enough, in time, to fend off the totally powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of
laundry & terror finance lawyers here. French was the local ligua du loi within living memory. It no longer is.
Buen journo. Chin chin pour favoure. Doube es mia dosh? Gratse.
Jé is how you say I/we Je in Jèrriais. On in French is nou. But any local lawyer would know that here, especially the laundry lawyer cartel. Anything they can clean they can dirty is the danger.
They can make anyone look like a drug dealer or a pimp with a few mouse clicks, even you or me. On, no, and nou are interesting pronouns though in the Norman patoises. Mainland Norman, Jersey French, Guernsey French,
and French French. No, nou, nou, and on respectively. On and no being the reverse of each other only adds to the charm of the Mainland Norman Language. Sark patois sourced from St Ouen patois but grew away from it over
the years. La Moye patois has died out presently. The last speaker died in 2000.
They are pretty savage this cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers here. The local Ndrangheta Ndrine they represent is more like a Fortune 500 company really. It has connections everywhere and is
only interested in death and money. There is no charity or honor. It's a bit like Special Forces in a way. 5% of the world economy is the criminal economy. 5% of the local economy here
in Offshore Jersey CI is not. The only way out is by fighting them. When it gets too expensive for them they back down. The Barclays Trust trustee drives a Skoda. Enough said.
The Courthold Institute accepts any PhD research topic. My sister started hers there in the philosophy of quantum mechanics but dropped out. It was notorious for a Russian spy called Blunt at the time.
Somebody should tell their wives
What's in a name right?
PC Chemical Ali Ball 430 is the reason I have gone to the web rather than the local Police. He is obviously bought by the RBC Trust.
Is 17:1 the pistachio:peanut rate or the peanut:pistachio rate down here?
Oh well, it looks like me and the totally powerful and influential Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes 4H cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers have got
a date fixed for Court now some of you may be interested to learn. I am not dead, not anxious, and not depressed. Recommended reading is the histories of the North Mexico heroin based economies. The suit is 500,000.
The infinitely powerful and influential laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel is litigating me is the direction of the force. Day 1 is over. The whole island actually physically feels very different. The press can talk all about it now. People can read all about it if they print.
It's a heroin laundry, Houthi, Hamas, and Hezbollah TF based cartel of laundry lawyers that are attacking me. I only hope Bibi, the Mossad, the IDF and the 8200 group read this website to find out who their friends and enemies
really are on this G-d forsaken rock way out in the ocean.
The totally powerful and influential 4H cartel of Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes laundry & terror finance lawyers are still litigating me with a
date set for Court for me to turn up to. 4H is my name for them because they launder heroin businesses and TF work they might do would include Hamas, Houthi, and Hezbollah. So that's 4H. There is hope that
Bibi, the Mossad, the 8200 group, and the IDF might read this so life is worth living. Crims that launder laundry use the same skillsets as TF terrorist financiers. It's all just the other way round that's all.
The 4H cartel laundered me and still do so they likely do TF work. I am no hero. I hope to move to Israel soon so I am building roads and bridges and airports in a metaphorical way.
Well it's 10/4 again this Friday NYC or 410 if you are over here. Quite a difference if you get that wrong as I am certain all of the 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel can appreciate. Ghislaine always used to say she was bad at English and French
as she was bilingual when we met. I am bad at American English and English English as I am binational. There are others like me but not many. Lehitraot, ciao for now, and shalom.
Revenge attacks are going to become more and more seen as renormalisation here now I think. There was the terrorism attack by RBC Trust on my Dad, the dirty load dealt to Bill from Linklaters over the 30mn deal, the Vapes dealt
to Kevin the paralegal from Mourant, the cigarettes dealt to Dave the Centenear. And now the potential dirty loads that might be dealt by the Viberts dealer network who I still see around town a lot. Once
the Ndrines have got a grip of any local economy its the same I guess. Cross them and its arivaderchi. Your whole family too. Cleaned laundry is the only currency there is here now. It's all 4H and H for all I guess
to quote the 3 musketeers. Quite a thought. A cartel is a cartel though I guess and any cartel gets respect. The 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel might cost me some dosh to a non 4H lawyer. That might well be that maybe. But then there will be the revenge
on me and mine likely as not. The RBC Trust are clever. So are Barclays Trust. So are Equinox Trust.
Lawyers cost a gram and a gram don't come for free as the pop song lyric goes. I already know what it's like to get my teeth kicked in and have to spit one out on the London pavement. I will probably just sit back and let
them all fight 500,000 to the death themselves now. They could put my niece on the game, my bro in law on 10 pints a night, and my sis on a PhD in her 60s. I fucked with the totally powerful and influential 4H cartel of Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes laundry & terror finance lawyers laundry & terror finance cartel once and my Dad got toasted. I might
just make some home made hot coffee now again with my new kettle. They gave me 2 weeks to decide with over 3 months to do a 1 day job. Extortion in typical 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel Ndrangheta Ndrine style. Got enough for any judge to agree
with me too. It would trigger a full blown international mob investigation in any civilised country. The Viberts dealer is doing very well. His network has remained completely undamaged. Revenge attacks seem more than possible. Dirty loads
are nothing to the 4H. Once the Ndrines have a grip over any country of 50,000 locals they never pull out is the thing. The dependencies and territories are all satellites of Calabria now. They are like heroin itself I think. Once they
are established in any community they are there to stay. Laundry is huge. 5% of the global economy. The i newspaper this week published an article about 1/3 of Uk corporate fraud being suspected as offshore too. 127bn a year. The 4H will be
down for a healthy cut of that. 5 times that including the US on a pro rata basis. You can see why there are so many Porsche cars here now.
It's quite possible it was the Viberts dealer network that took out lawyer Bill from Linklaters with that dirty load really. Checking for any litigation history between Linklaters and Viberts would
be simple enough but no screw, nurse, or cop here will challenge the 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel with any investigation is the situation. Bill is still alive and walking around. With revenge from
the Viberts dealer network likely though the 500,000 takes on more significance. The 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel here is bad news there is no doubt about it. Shanah tovah. Is it a tooth for 2 eyes
or/and 2 eyes for a tooth?
I am not so sure about the 4H laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel any more. I think I gave them too much professional credit for being too good at their job. They knew I would complain
but still gave me only 2 weeks to decide on a 1 day job over the next 3.5 months being classic extortion in classic Ndrangheta Ndrine style. What I do now all depends
on whether Israel makes a successful strike against the Iran nuclear facilities and/or nukes Tehran itself. It's not all down to me to decide really.
CNN said an hour ago they are not hitting oil or nuclear but military instead so it looks like things down in this office at least are back to normal. It really messed up my Yom Kippur all that not knowing for a while.
taxi park
Venus tractor
Tel Aviv tea
theatre telephone
spaghetti park
they all mean the same in Hebrew :)
All of the hot shot lawyers in the laundry & terror finance lawyer cartel here want the worst for me and so does my nuclear bomb designer sister. The general life
prognosis does not look too good when you put it like that does it? 401 of them and 4 trust companies against little old me. Luckily enough though
I read recently about a couple of standard tests that can be done on hair to prove chronic alcohol use and witness credibility and this island
has one of the highest alcohol dependency scores in the world. 6cm of hair growth is as good as one of the tests is good for too so its not
like the one month drug test for cannabis in prison that pushed up the heroin use in those sorts of places. Just going without booze for a week
or two won't work. Pages 60/61 of this link are all about my positive witness credibility tests.
Both Ghislaine and my sister were outnumbered 10 to 1 by boys at our school. It was a time in history when our boarding school was neither single sex or fully co-ed like it was by the time of Princess Kate.
All the girls from that time were spoilt for choice and never needed to compete normally. My sister was in a different house to me. In my house it was possible for the girls to look out of their
bathroom window and look into my bedsit accross the 3/4 quad. I only found out once my girlfriend told me and warned me to draw the curtains every night. There must have been 5 or 10 bedsits they
could look into and the boys dorm on the floor above. The King's brother is a King's brother and Ghislaine still has one appeal left. I knew about Ghislaine being very hairy down there from my girlfriend.
Normally I would not talk but there are a few too many powerful people in my life these days. I slept in one of the girl's double rooms when I went down for my scholarship exam that got me admitted so
I knew the whole building well. The wine cellar had a padlock on it that was easy to remove with a normal screwdriver. There was quite a lot of wine down there all racked up.
It's trick or treat night but not alas for me. Ghislaine and me and my girlfriend were all at boarding school in a house with an architecture defect in that it was easy for the girls to
spy on me and the other bedsits and the boys dorm upstairs. So far I have never talked before about the matter. I did not think to warn the other boys as I was so deeply into
an against the rules relationship both over 16 with my boarding school girlfriend. Nothing new there it was well known in a secret teenage gang type of wink/nod way. Thing is it makes
the Royals look like they had a peeping Tom type friend and that means the Royals want the friend of their friend ie me dead. Once it gets round they had a peeping Tom friend they look guilty
by association. Also I have access to the Clarence House letter of a gay relationship illegal here in Offshore Jersey CI at the time. So all in all the Royals
want me dead twice as dead men don't talk. So it's not really trick or treat tonight. It's live or die. The Royals will have Police checking this website
regularly. With me alive they have a problem who will talk about the Clarence House gay love letter from a resident of Clarence House that was illegal
at the time as pre 1990 gay love was proscribed in Offshore Jersey CI. I am also a problem for them as I can talk about Ghislaine possibly
spying on me at boarding school that implicates the Royals by asssociation with a possible peeping Tom and birds of a feather flocking together. So I am a problem for
the Royals twice over. They obviously want me dead. They probably want Ghislaine dead too. You get to be a Royal in the first place by killing people remember.
It was trick or treat night last night really but you should get the idea. Having blogged on this website about it me and Ghislaine might not get killed.
If I had not the Royals would have killed us both.
Their nightmare is that both me and Ghislaine somehow disappear into the witness protection plan together and the Royals do time. We will probably wait
and see how her next appeal goes though I would expect. Philby's wife was Jewish according to the Tess and Victor Rothschild mi5 files of the time
released in '22. You will all figure the rest out yourselves without me. Shalom. Lehitraot. Ciao for now...